Dancezone is home to the national award winning performance company. The company performs locally and nationally.
Company members are selected through auditions. Company members are required to take a minimum of 3 hrs. of classes at Dancezone as well as attend any scheduled rehearsals to be eligible to perform and maintain Company status for the training season.
Rehearsals and convention/competition schedules are sent to company members in monthly studio email updates
Fees associated with Company are monthly company fees, choreography fees, costume, and convention/competition fees.
Nationally and regionally acclaimed pre-professional company for the student who wants to extend their training at an elite level. Dancers that want to build towards obtaining a college degree with a focus on fine arts and/or perform professionally as well as further their training in performance.
Protégé focuses on strengthening technique, performance skills, choreography projects, and other professional aspects of the industry to develop the skills necessary to prepare for the future.
Protégé builds training for individuals to be ready for conventions, national and summer intensives, industry auditions, and college scholarships.
Admittance to Protégé is through auditions and invitation.
Members of company must attend and train a minimum of 5 hours weekly at Dancezone in addition to their weekly rehearsals. Dancers must commit to their specific Protege class weekly as well as attend 4-5 conventions/performances of their pieces throughout the company season.